

This is a website that has made the faith communities and the projects in which they are engaged visible to the other faith communities. By organizing them by the types of projects in which they are engaged, we are able to encourage faith communities that are working on a common issue to collaborate to have greater impact.

Interfaith Collaboration Support and Grants

We will support interfaith collaboration efforts by both lending expertise and funding. Any faith community who will join with a faith community from a different tradition on a community engagement project is eligible for support. Any group of young people who will join with a group of young people from another faith tradition on a community engagement project are eligible for support.

Interfaith and Care for Creation

Blessing will work with regional and national environmental groups to help the interfaith community to work on a variety of issues connected to Climate Change. Currently we are working with and helping support an initiative with Green Umbrella, Faith Communities Go Green. Blessing will also be working with individual faith communities supporting them in their work to become more sustainable.

Multifaith Calendar

The first interactive multi-faith calendar ever created. It was created with the Cincinnati Festival of Faiths and EquaSion. The calendar is an educational tool that has the major holidays, celebrations and commemorations of 12 world religions. It gives a brief description of each of these but then provides links that allow the viewer to delve deeper into each event. Educational materials are being developed for students from elementary school through college.  

Interfaith Summer Institute

This is a new initiative that is in development. It will initially be a collaborative effort by A Blessing to One Another working with Xavier University, The Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion and The Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati. The objective is to bring small teams of representatives of faith communities from a number of cities and engage them about how to do interfaith dialogue and collaboration more effectively in their communities.